He’s Just Showing Off

Photos of the sky tend to bring me a sense of peace. I see the power of God as the sunbeams or lightning bolts burst through the clouds or as a rainbow arcs across the heavens. As I get older, I appreciate His willingness to show off every single day.

Peace. It’s a rare commodity in our world. We watch the news and our social media feeds only to be left feeling anything but peace.

What could possibly counteract the negativity and hopelessness? Well, I open The Book and read God’s Word. We can convince ourselves that the world is in the worst shape ever. But if we read through the Old Testament, we see that they had some pretty severe circumstances. Maybe we don’t have it so bad. When reading my Bible, my faith grows and I see from a new perspective.

I struggle with the same frustrations that everyone else does; I just make a supreme effort to not buy into all the hype. By hype, I’m referring to perfect lives portrayed on social media or to polarization based on…you name it. I started to list them here, but there were too many.

When I go to scripture, I find things like 1 Timothy 2:1-2
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

…that prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people…that we may live peaceful and quiet lives.


And then there’s Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Bam! Bam!

(This just reminded me of the Flinstones. I loved that cartoon when I was a kid!)

I had the chance to watch and old episode of Bonanza recently. I was struck by Ben Cartwright. He was a powerful man by the world’s standard, yet he was a just, humble and thankful citizen in his community. The world is full of many such good citizens, but the loud, obnoxious ones are making the news.

Turn off the television, put down your computer or your phone. Pick up something worthwhile to read. Go outside and visit with your neighbor.

I’ve posted this many times, but it bears repeating over and over again, John 13:34-35
(Jesus said) “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Nothing I could ever write or say could possibly carry the impact of these words which are written in red in my Bible. Letters in red carry the full authority of Heaven.

Please take some time with the photo that Jamie McCann took of the majesty in the sky. Take a deep breath and be assured that the same God that created the heavens, the earth and the rainbow also created you. He loves you more than you can imagine; absolutely no doubt about it.

Have a groovy…and peaceful…day, folks!

(Photo by Jamie McCann)